If you gave the Lord 60 years of service, would you deserve heaven? You wouldn’t deserve it any more than the man who gave Him 15 minutes of service. And then there’s that one sort of overwhelming lesson that humility and a sense of unworthiness is the only right attitude. Humility and a sense of unworthiness is the only right attitude; there’s no place for envy. There’s no place for jealousy.
Tax gatherers and harlots which come in at the end of their life are going to stand with missionaries and martyrs who gave their all. All believers will be equally given the blessedness of glory. We’ll all live in the Father’s house. Nobody’s going to be down the street eight blocks and four blocks to the right. We’ll all be part of the bride adorned for the Bridegroom. We’ll all inherit the whole inheritance. We’ll all become like Christ. We’ll all live forever in the celestial city. We’ll all manifest the glory of God. We’ll all take on the image of the Savior. It’s a wonderful thing.
But the work is evangelism; it’s harvest. And everybody does it. Everybody is called to work. We don’t all work as well as we should, but the work is there. And if we are in the kingdom, we’re at the work.
God redeems those who are willing. And that’s the other side of His sovereign choice. They were there. They were available. They were willing. They knew they were dependent. They knew they had nothing apart from this. They were not the rich. They were not the self-sufficient. They were not the satisfied. They were the poor and the meek and the beggars and those without resources who would take whatever the Master would give.
Why does he keep coming back?” The only answer to that is that he represents God, and he’s coming back not because he needs more workers, but because he has such compassion.
Please do not take God’s compassion for granted.
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