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I guess I should explain a little more so you don’t quote the same verses. Acts 17:11 has the Bereans testing what was said against Old Testament books. Testing things in one way doesn’t mean it’s the only way. You’d have to be reading into the text (eisogesis) to come away that this was the only way to confirm anything. Next 1 Co 4:6 not going beyond what is written, if this is to be interpreted in a wooden literal way as only ever looking to what is written, well you’re gonna have to dismiss a lot of what Scripture itself says because Jesus never wrote anything down, he quoted and upheld God inspired oral tradition (MT 23:2 Jesus upheld the seat of Moses, the God inspired teaching upheld via oral tradition down through the ages which the Jewish leaders maintained), or how Paul taught the Ephesians night and day for 3 years yet only gave them one letter that he could have said in one day, or you’re gonna have to ignore all those moments in Scripture that communicate any oral teaching or at least reduce all oral teaching to only reiterations of what was written, “For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God” 1 Thess.2:13.
Last, MK 7:6-9, do you know what “tradition” is? The word tradition means to pass on or hand down. The source of tradition is important to know because it’ll either be God or men. In MK 7 Jesus points out a tradition stemming from men, which doesn’t condemn all tradition, but just this particular tradition with the source as coming from men. Consider a tradition with a source as coming from God “Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle” (1 Thess 2:15). The apostle’s word here is said to be the word of God (1 Thess 2:13). It may be hard to grasp depending on your background or Bible version but in some versions Protestant Bible translations have been very deceiving where they translate “tradition” as “tradition” in negative contexts, but then translate “tradition” as something else like teaching in positive contexts, making it appear as if tradition is always negative and man centered, when this is clearly not the case.
But back to my question, what verses do you have that speak of “sola”?
- This reply was modified 1 year ago by St.Robert.
- This reply was modified 1 year ago by St.Robert.
- This reply was modified 1 year ago by St.Robert.
The written word of God is sufficient, profitable, and cannot be broken as you pointed out from Scripture. I read each Scripture you mentioned. I never want to add to God’s word as well. Innovations are new things, but apostolic teaching preserved and handed down are not new things. I don’t care for new things. They lead to more innovation and disunity. But you also made claims that appear to be your presuppositions, yet which you didn’t include/connect Scripture with. In my question I asked about the “Sola” part of Sola Scriptura in Scripture, but what you posted doesn’t possess one verse that uses the words, sola, alone, only, or any similar word or limiting phrase.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 doesn’t possess a sola element. Scripture is profitable for several things and can make one complete. But Scripture in James 1:4 speaks of another thing that makes us mature and complete. I’d think you’d agree with me that we need more then just perseverance, like faith, repentance, and other things. Returning to my question, I’m still waiting for a verse with something resembling sola. Since Scripture is said to be perspicuous, all I’ll need is a verse. Ty for your help. I’m having trouble in this area. Also, I’m not a Roman Catholic.
- This reply was modified 1 year ago by St.Robert.
Sparkling Heart- strobertofsalzburg
Thanks for the explanation. I too believe in and accept the Scriptures as authoritative, edifying, and the written word of God. But what I cannot find within Scripture is the Sola part of Sola Scriptura. By chance do you know any passages of Scripture that speak of the written word of God as being Sola, as saying only the written word is to be embraced as authoritative? There is definitely Scriptures that show Jesus or the apostles or Bereans appealing to the written Old Testament, but I’m having a hard time finding the Sola element. Can you help?
When a person of stature like a governor came to a town, the people would normally go out to greet them and then escort them back into the town. We do the same thing when people come over for dinner. We greet them at the door and escort them inside. This is what rapture is, the visible body of Christ on earth join the Lord in the air to then return to the earth that has been made new, a new heaven and new earth joined together, renewed. Eden broken becomes Eden restored.