Jesus is the death conqueror. Jesus has the power to raise the dead to eternal glory, and this is the good news. Death has been conquered by him. For us, death is a surprise, but not for Jesus. Those who put their trust in Him have been rescued from death, He overcame death, and He has conquered death for themselves as well. Resurrection power belongs to him and that is the Gospel.
He literally willed His own death. He left His own body at exactly the appropriate time and entered into the fellowship of those in heaven. He willed His own death, and then He controlled what happened after that to His body still hanging there, and even to His burial. “And this is all true,” says John in verse 35. John identifies himself as “he who has seen and has testified, and his testimony is true; and he knows that he’s telling the truth, so that you may also believe.”
Again, the purpose of John in all this gospel, every account, is that we might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and by believing have eternal life in His name. John, an eyewitness of the cross and its aftermath records this for us as true testimony. What it tells us, along with the resurrection, is that Jesus is the death conqueror. He has brought about His own death, controlled the events after His death, controlled His own burial, and then exerted the power to rise from the dead. He is the divine death conqueror. This is important for us to know, because the promise to every believer is that we will rise from the dead so that our new bodies, newly created, will be joined to our glorified souls in a form that suits us for perfect usefulness and joy in heaven.