Jesus was principled, and His behaviors sprang from His convictions. He didn’t spend much time fretting about whether people agreed with Him or supported His goals. In fact, this behavior justified the Sanhedrin’s plan to have Him killed.
Jesus set healthy boundaries
Servanthood is a significant element of being a Jesus follower. For some personality types, it’s easy to use service to make people like and appreciate us. Jesus didn’t do that. While He did humble Himself and serve others—often in a self-sacrificial way, He knew where His boundaries were.
Sometimes Jesus would come into town and heal everyone of their illnesses, and sometimes He needed to get away to take care of Himself and spend time with His Father.
Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. — Luke 5:15–16
The fact that Jesus had to withdraw shows us that the demand was great, and people were always crowding around Him to receive something. Jesus knew when He needed to get away, which means there were probably people with expectations who left disappointed.
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