It would have caused John great strain to see the things that he describes in chapter 9. It was a terrible shock to know how cruelly those evil spirits would attack people. The people of the world will suffer greatly during the last few years before Christ’s return. John would probably consider it an even greater shock to see how wicked the people would become at that time.
John does not record his own feelings, but he probably felt very weak. So God sent a strong angel to him. The angels are God’s special servants in heaven; this one is called ‘a strong angel’, like the one that John saw in Revelation 5:2.
The description of this angel is extraordinary and wonderful. It astonishes us when we try to compare this description with the descriptions of the evil forces in chapter 9. Those evil forces came from the darkest, deepest part of hell (9:2); this strong angel’s face shines with the splendid light of heaven. The colours of those evil forces only express the cruelty of their attack (9:17). This strong angel has a rainbow upon his head; the rainbow is the sign that God will always carry out his promises to his people (Genesis 9:12-17).
Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven, wrapped in a cloud, with a rainbow over his head, and his face was like the sun, and his legs like pillars of fire.
~ Revelation 10:1
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