September 25, 2023
Happy Monday,
God Will Make Things New
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more…And he who sat upon the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” Also he said, “Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Revelation 21:1, 5, RSV
Lord our God, our Father, we look deep into your mighty Word and see the glory of the new world you will create according to your justice and truth. We thank you for giving us this joy on earth in the midst of all our toil and striving. We look deep into your Word. You make all things new. To this hope our lives are directed, to this hope you have called us, and we want to be faithful forever. Praise to your name, for you have already done great things for us! Keep us in your Word. Let many find the light, for in this light they may look to you in simple faith and constancy until the end, when throughout the world we may see your glory and your grace. Amen.
The Bible says that God will one day replace this earth and Heaven with brand new ones. This Earth has become corrupted but the New Earth will know no corruption. Sin will never enter the new earth. The devil will be in the lake of fire and sin will be no more.
We live in a world where sin abounds. With the help of the Holy Spirit, as children of God, we need not walk in sin. We can live in righteousness. When we do sin, Jesus is our advocate.
The closer we walk with God, the less desirable sin becomes and the more desirable righteousness becomes. The more we love God the more we desire to please God. Let us worship God in spirit and truth.