You know, your freedom in Christ is a costly thing. It’s not cheap. It costs Jesus his life. In him you stand free.
The yoke of the law has been removed. Another question, are you falling? To fall from grace does not mean to lose one salvation. It means to move out of the sphere of grace into the sphere of law. It means to substitute regulations for a personal relationship with the Lord.
Are you running on course or has false teaching gotten you on a detour? This passage we’ll read is just full of questions. Are you being leavened? You know, Jesus used leaven to picture sin like yeast. False teaching is introduced quietly.
It grows secretly, and soon it affects every part of your life. Are you serving others? Freedom brings with it the responsibility to serve. Love motivates us to fulfill the law of God. And are you walking in the Spirit?
Life, not law, changes behavior. And as you yield to the Spirit Christ’s, life is manifest in the fruit of the Spirit. Law works by compulsion from without. But grace works by compassion from within.
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